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Best Practices

What we look for when reviewing submissions:

  • Uses the latest release of Astro
  • Free theme source code is available in a public repo
  • All NPM dependencies used are public
  • No broken links
  • No personal information in the theme


You can upload 4 images in total. These images will be used in the Astro Theme Catalog to showcase your theme. Make sure that the images contain screenshots of your actual theme and not unuseful info.

Looking for inspiration for your theme’s preview images? Here are some resources to get you started quickly

Theme info


Choose a good and fitting name for your theme


Is your theme paid or free? This will not impact the approval process in any way. It’s used in the theme catalog search filters.

Public repo URL

In case your theme is free, make sure to fill this in with the public repo link. This will enable people to see the source code of your theme. Next to that, it will enable a Deploy to Vercel button.

Purchase URL

in case your theme is paid, fill this field with the purchase URL. This will make the Get Started button direct to the URL you’ve submitted where other people can buy access to the theme.

Short Description

The short description shows up on the theme card in the Astro Theme Catalog. Make sure to keep it short and to the point. You cannot use rich text in this field.

Full Description

Choose a good and fitting description for your theme. This will be shown on the theme page in the Astro Theme Catalog.

You can add installation instructions here.

Categories & tools

Categories and tools are used to help users find your theme. So, make sure to select the right categories and tools that apply to your theme. This will help the ‘Other themes to consider’ section on the theme page.